"No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper" - Isaiah 54:17 is the promise that God has endured in my life since I am in my mother's womb. I am Deevanaiah, born in a Hindu family in Budampadu, a small village near Guntur in Andhra Pradesh, India. Actually my parents did not have children for a long time after their marriage. One day my mother was told by some one that if she prays to Jesus Christ, she will be blessed with children. After hearing that, she sought the mercy of the Lord. God heard her prayers and blessed with children. From then with her little faith in Jesus, though uneducated, she began to pray to Him. But my father did not like it and used to scold her. He never cared for the family. By then they had seven children and it is hard to feed them. As we were not rich, my mother found it difficult to feed the children and decided not to give birth any more. So she took the medicine to abort the babies. Before to me, two babies died in that way. But while I was in her womb, though she took double portion of the medicine, Lord helped me to come into this world. Due to the effect of trials of abortion, I am so unhealthy at most of the times since from my birth.

As I was growing in age, I was growing in sin too. At a very young age I started to smoke, flirt and my soul could not find any peace due to these sins in my heart. Also as I saw myself as a failure in my life and studies, I decided to commit suicide at an age of 16. But God with His grace, abstained me from committing suicide. At the age of 19, a friend of mine invited me for prayer. As I did not want to disappoint him, I accepted to go along with him. For three days I went to spend with him in prayer. He used to close his eyes and pray. But I could not close my eyes and pray for so long. But on the fourth day when he started to pray, suddenly God's Spirit came upon me and I began to confess all my sins with deep repentance. God had forgiven all my sins and spoke to me from his word "A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you, and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you and heart of flesh" - Ezekiel 36:26. After confirming my Salvation with a newly found true peace in my heart, I slowly began to grow in Lord and my fellowship with Jesus Christ grew stronger day by day. My friend told to me that I should have a separate place to commune with God daily. So I began to pray for the same. Then God showed me a place when I was in prayer. Since then I began to pray at that place going daily at night 9:00 after I returned from my small job when my earning is only 600 Rs. Like this I continued to pray at that place for 42 months seeking God's will in my life.

"Come now therefore, and I will send thee unto Pharaoh, that thou mayest bring forth my people the children of Israel out of Egypt." - Exodus 3:10 are the words God spoke to me. Obeying to His call, I gave all of my life to the Lord and started to serve him. God told me to be His witness in the place where I lost my testimony. The ministry is then started with only two persons to whom I started to share the word of God. But our God, who is a Faithful God, helped the church grow and then I asked the Lord for a place to build the church. Then God showed me the same place where I used to pray daily. By the mercy of our good gracious Lord we built a small church in 1997 for a few people. In 2008 God helped us to remove that old church and build a new one which can accommodate around 3000 people.

In the January month of every year, we conduct special youth retreat for thousands of young men and women where they will be taught to lead a holy life witnessing about the crucified Christ. We prepare them to be the disciples of Jesus in this lustful world. These retreats proved to be very useful in making them as missionaries. There are many young people who surrendered to the Word of God and went to various parts in India with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. As per the words of Jesus "It shall not be possible unless you fast and pray..." So we fast and pray for a month preparing ourselves for the upcoming year in the ministry. We intercede for the perishing souls, sick and poor to be saved. We intercede for the countries, their leaders, brethren in persecuted countries and rising up of missions to serve at such places in the near future.

According to the words of Apostle Paul in Hebrews 10:25 "Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves to gather, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the day approaching" , we held Annual Conventions, a large crusade, every year in the month of April. Believers from all the centers of our fellowship participate along with their families to worship the Lord for all His graceful works throughout the year passed. Being fed with the deep word of God and prayer filled with Holy Spirit enrich all those who are in the premises with Divine Healing, Apostolic Faith, and Consecration. Personal Counseling by the servants of God helps them to receive great deliverance in the areas of their struggle like sin, backsliding, broken family etc. Baptisms will be given to the believers who repent of their sins and have deep conversion at heart filled with peace of God. The people attended will be filled with great burden in their hearts for perishing souls. It proved to open doors for us to minister in many new places in India and abroad. During these four days of Convention, We gather in a large open ground which can accommodate thousands of people. Growing year by year, thousands of people are drawn towards the convention not caring for the temperatures but thirst for the word of God. Even many brethren from other parts of the world are participating and witnessing the almighty works of the Lord carrying the same spirit to their countries. Praise be to God that zeal for missions are seen and encouraged in each part of the Convention.

We have conducted Gospel Revival Meetings in almost all the districts of Andhra Pradesh State. Presently we are ministering whole India. Though it is very difficult to minister in Northern part of India, God is strengthening us by all means. Lord enabled me to preach his word to multitudes of people round the globe as well. Starting from the year 2005, I have ministered approximately 89 countries in the 6 continents.

Lord has kept a great burden in our heart to take his Word to all the nations in the world recognized by United Nations Organization. Whom we preach, warning every man, and teaching every man in all wisdom: that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus. Colossians 1:28 is the vision God gave to this ministry. And we shall take his Word to all the ends of the earth. Pray for Me and the Ministry. May God Bless... Amen!!