Word for today  :  I can do all things through him who strengthens me. - Philippians 4:13


"No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper" - Isaiah 54:17 is the promise that God has endured in my life since I am in my mother's womb. I am Deevanaiah, born in a Hindu family in Budampadu, a small village near Guntur in Andhra Pradesh, India. Actually my parents did not have children for a long time after their marriage. One day my mother was told by some one that if she prays to Jesus Christ, she will be blessed with children. After hearing that, she sought the mercy of the Lord. God heard her prayers and blessed with children. From then with her little faith in Jesus, though uneducated, she began to pray to Him. But my father did not like it and used to scold her. He never cared for the family. By then they had seven children and it is hard to feed them. As we were not rich, my mother found it difficult to feed the children and decided not to give birth any more. So she took the medicine to abort the babies. Before to me, two babies died in that way. But while I was in her womb, though she took double portion of the medicine, Lord helped me to come into this world. Due to the effect of trials of abortion, I am so unhealthy at most of the times since from my birth. As I was growing in age, I was growing in sin too. At a very young age I started to smoke, flirt and my soul could not find any peace due to these sins in my heart. Also as I saw myself as a failure in my life and studies, I decided to commit suicide at an age of 16. But God with His grace, abstained me from committing suicide. At the age of 19, a friend of mine invited me for prayer. As I did not want to disappoint him, I accepted to go along with him. For three days I went to spend with him in prayer. He used to close his eyes and pray. But I could not close my eyes and pray for so long.